Would you like to help run the WCF?
[<<] [>>] by Debbie Lines WCF Secretary-General
24th September 2021
Three members of the Management Committee (MC) reach the end of their four-year term of office on 31st December 2021. These are: Pete Landrebe, Roberts Stafeckis and Geoff Young. Roberts Stafeckis has indicated that he intends to stand for re-election.
I'd like to thank Pete and Geoff for their service over the past four years and wish them well with their future croquet endeavours. They have been valued members of the MC and their experience and insight will be missed.
In addition, Chris Clarke has found that the difficulties of managing the WCF Barclays Bank account from New Zealand cannot easily be resolved and he has therefore resigned. The MC has decided to change the bank account to one easier to use as an international organisation and is researching this now. Nominations for the role of Treasurer are therefore being sought. All positions start 1st January 2022.
If you are interested in helping to run the WCF, please contact your governing body and they will explain in full what is required for your nomination. Applicants from Recognised Croquet Organisations (RCOs) are welcomed but you need to be aware that you must be nominated by a Full or Associate Member.
If we have more nominees than positions, elections will follow.
Nominations are required into the WCF by 31st October 2021 at the latest, so please allow time to liaise with your nominating Member so that they have time to process your application.
I am happy to talk to anybody who wishes to discuss what is involved.
Terms of Reference for the Treasurer
- To manage the finances of the WCF according to the Financial Regulations.
- To prepare the annual budget for approval by Council.
- To guide Council and the MC in all financial matters, and propose finance policy.
- To maintain a record of the non-financial assets of the WCF.
- To prepare annual audited accounts.
- To manage the WCF's investments according to the approved investment policy..
Terms of Reference for the Management Committee
The MC shall settle urgent questions and have general administrative powers to carry out the work of the WCF and manage its financial affairs on a day-to-day basis, subject to the direction of Council. The role includes condensing issues into a manageable size in order to facilitate Council considering them efficiently and in reasonable timeframes. Its terms of reference are:
- To implement policy and actions in pursuit of the agreed direction given by Council.
- To present to Council an annual plan for the following year including a budget.
- To manage the operating funds according to the budget.
- To inform Council regularly of progress, activity and issues.
- To prepare proposals and make recommendations as part of formal Consultations to Council.
- To distribute to relevant sub-committees the tasks they are to execute, to oversee their activity, to take decisions concerning the reports of these sub-committees, and to forward them to Council.
- To present to Council recommendations for the admission, the striking off the rolls, or expelling of Members, as well as for any sanctions which might be imposed.
- To monitor the Statutes with a view to identifying possible improvements for proposal to Council.
- To maintain and approve all WCF Regulations, subject to ratification by Council.
- To manage a rolling 10 Year Schedule of events, to solicit bids against this plan once approved by Council, to assess bids and reach formal agreement with the host Member, and to ensure the event is organised according to Statutes and Regulations.
- To publish the International Sporting Calendar for the year(s) ahead.
- To gain Council approval for any novel event types not already included in an approved 10 Year Championship Schedule, before soliciting bids.
- To promptly alert Council should the MC consider that the sporting interests of the WCF are not adequately defended in a particular territory.
- To appoint or dismiss the Secretary-General.