Council's response to the Legal Status consultation
[<<] [>>] by John Reddish
15th November 2021
(CqE Official News)
A new legal structure for the Croquet Association
Many thanks to the individuals, clubs and federations who responded to the Membership Consultation which started in September. By the closing date on 23 October we had received 49 responses from clubs and federations and 70 from individuals.
There was widespread agreement that the status quo is not an option. Everyone accepted that we should not continue as an unincorporated association with unlimited liability and that we should seek to obtain the limited liability that corporate status would bring.
Charitable status
There was also significant support for seeking charitable status. However, there were also some requests for further information. We will provide this in the coming weeks. We think that it will become clear that the balance falls in favour of accepting the regulation imposed by the Charity Commission in return for tax advantages.
There was a much wider range of views expressed on this topic, with the majority of respondents either refraining from expressing an opinion or asking for more information, rather than stating a preference. As above, we will provide answers in the coming weeks.
Voting membership
We asked you some specific questions with regard to the various options available when defining the voting membership of the new corporate entity. There was a majority in favour of retaining votes for the individual members of the CA and strong support for the idea of "one person, one vote". There were also a significant number of views expressed relating to a voting role for clubs. We will consider this area in more detail.
CA Legal Status Working Group