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Changes for the 2022 Season

[<<] [>>] by Brian Havill
23rd December 2021 (AC)

At the end of year meeting of the AC Tournament Committee (ACTC), various matters put forward by the Competitive Play Working Group (CPWG) were considered.

We will report further in future gazettes / newsletters but note below changes with regards to our top AC events for 2022 - in particular with regards to advanced / super advanced.

The CPWG asked that in the lead up to the WCF's November 2022 World Team Championships (the MacRobertson Shield) and the WCF's July 2023 World Championships, we play more of the format played in WCF events (i.e. advanced rather than super advanced).

ACTC has agreed that super advanced will not be mandated in any of its events in 2022. This means that super advanced will only be played when both players agree to play super advanced. This will result in many more matches being played as advanced, particularly at events where Mac players are in attendance.

Brian Havill

Chair of ACTC


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