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CA COVID-19 Guidance

[<<] [>>] by Andrew Willis
27th February 2022 (CqE Official News)

Following the recent Government announcement that all legal restrictions imposed because of the COVID-19 pandemic were to end on 24th February, the CA's COVID-19 guidance (COVID-19 Precautions for Playing Croquet and Guidance to Clubs and Tournament Managers) has been withdrawn.

If there is a significant outbreak in the future, and Government changes its position, then the Task Force will recommend to clubs any actions that are considered necessary.

Clubs are advised to continue to follow guidance issued by Government. Clubs located in, or close to, Wales or Scotland should also consider different guidance that may be applicable to them or visiting players.

It is appropriate that Clubs continue to carry out risk assessments particularly with regard to indoor spaces and apply any protective measures that are indicated to mitigate transmission of the virus.

Stay safe and enjoy your croquet. We all trust that we will see a full and exciting season ahead of us this year.

CA COVID Task Force


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