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Surbiton beat Winterborne Valley 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Andy Dibben at Surbiton
19th May 2022 (AC - Secretary's Shield)

Following weather warnings of torrential overnight rain Winterborne were advised to use the Clubs Webcams to check for possible flooding before heading our for the Secretaries Shield match with Surbiton on 19th May,

However, the forecast proved over pessimistic, with only light overnight rain and the lawns were dry by the time the match started.

The results, Surbiton names first:

Andy Dibben (0.5) & Bruce Moxley (10) bt Jonathan Powe (-2) and Martin Strange (12), +16
Graham Brightwell (2) lost to Steve Leonard (5), -6
Julian Sheraton-Davis (5) bt Tim Dennis (4), +1t
Andy Dibben bt Jonathan Powe, +13
Graham Brightwell bt Tim Dennis +23
Julian Sheraton-Davis lost to Steve Leonard, -18
Bruce Moxley lost to Martin Strange, -5t


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