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Sheffield beat Cheam 4-2

[<<] [>>] by Ki Hulme at Nottingham
25th May 2022 (GC - Federations Shield)

Played at Nottingham on Sunday 22nd May 2022

Sheffield 4 1/2 Cheam 2 1/2 (winners Sheffield)



John Crossland 1

Maggie Crossland 4

John Tidy 7

Richard (Ki) Hulme 9


Ian Cobbold -1

Beryl Hughes 3

Jean Cobbold 6

John Richmond 8


John Crossland v Beryl Hughes (2 extra turns) 4-7 7-3 7-0 Sheffield

Maggie Crossland v John Richmond (4 extra turns) 5-7 7-2 7-5 Sheffield

John Crossland (2 extra turns) v Ian Cobbold 4-7 7-4 6-7 Cheam

Maggie Crossland (1 extra turn) v Beryl Hughes 7-2 7-2 Sheffield

John Tidy (1 extra turn) v Jean Cobbold 5-7 5-7 Cheam

Richard (Ki) Hulme (1 extra turn) v John Richmond 6-7 7-5 7-6 Sheffield

John Tidy (1 extra turn) + Richard (Ki) Hulme (5 extra turns) v Ian Cobbold + Jean Cobbold 5-7 7-5 Draw


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