Tyneside lost to Bury 0-7
[<<] [>>] by Ken Jones
at Tyneside
28th May 2022
(AC - Longman Cup)
Longman Cup round 1 played at Tyneside CC between Tyneside and Bury on Saturday 28 May.
Result: Tyneside 0, Bury 7
Individual game scores (Tyneside names first, handicaps in brackets):
Don Wright (7) lost to Ged Smolskas (8) 2-26
Derek Johnson (9) lost to Chris Alvey (9) 19-26
David Millener (7) and Eric Nixon (7) lost to Ken Jones (4) and Anne Alvey (16) 2-26
Eric Nixon lost to Ged Smolskas 3-26
Don Wright lost to Chris Alvey 1-26
David Millener lost to Ken Jones 22-26
Derek Johnson lost (on time) to Anne Alvey 11-20