The Legal Status of the CA: Moving Forward
[<<] [>>] by John Reddish
1st June 2022
(CqE Official News)
The Council has decided to propose (i) that the Chairman of the Council and the Honorary Secretary should be authorised to make an application to the Charity Comnmission to register Croquet England as a new Charitable Incorporated Organisation and (ii) that, if the application is successful, the Executive Board should be authorised to transfer all of the assets and liabilities of the CA (by stages) to Croquet England so that Croquet England CIO will eventually replace the CA completely. This major change has been under consideration for some time. Members are about to be asked for their approval.
Special General Meeting - this will be held via Zoom on Monday 18 July 2022 at 6 p.m. The meeting link will be sent to all Members.
Hear the Proposals. Contribute to the debate. Cast your Vote.
Three significant documents are now available for perusal. Just click on the links below.
Backgrouind to the Proposal to change the legal status and the name of the CA
A Guide to the Draft Constitution of Croquet England