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The Next President of the CA

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by John Reddish
7th June 2022 (CqE Official News)

The CA Constitution provides that, in the event of a vacancy in the office of President, candidates may be proposed by Individual Members of the Association but they must give written notice of their proposal by 1st June preceding the Annual General Meeting.

Earlier this year our current President, Quiller Barrett announced his intention to stand down with effect from the next AGM in October 2022. I have received, in due time, one nomination for the Office of President (from the Chairman of the Board, Beatrice McGlen, seconded by the Chairman of the Council, Samir Patel).

The nominated candidate is Patricia Duke-Cox. She will be well known to many members. She was the East Midlands representative on the Council (from 2000 to 2006); an elected member of the Council (from 2006 to 2012) and the Chairman of Council (from 2008 to 2010). She is currently a Vice-President of the CA (elected in 2018) and the member of the Council for the East and West Midlands Constituency (elected in 2019). She is also the current Secretary to the Council.

There being no other candidate, Mrs Duke-Cox will be declared elected as President of the Croquet Association (with appropriate acclamation) at the AGM on 15 October 2022.


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