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Most Improved Male GC Player Award 2021 - delayed joint presentation finally made

[<<] [>>] by Christopher Roberts at Nottingham
16 Jul 2022 (GC)

Joint Most Improved Male GC Player Award Winners together at last

The GC Home Internationals at Nottingham on the weekend of 16-17 July provided the first opportunity for a joint presentation to be made to Aston Wade and Jack Good, as the winners of the Spiers Trophy for the Most Improved Male GC player of 2021.
Wade had already been presented with the trophy signally back in November by CA Handicap Committee Chairman Frances Colman, standing in for President Quiller Barrett.
On this occasion however, CA Treasurer Ian Burridge did the honours on Quiller's behalf and made the double presentation, before Jack Good took possession of the Spiers Trophy for his six months share.


Call for Nominations for the Most Improved Player Awards of 2022

This is a good opportunity to remind everyone to please send in your nominations for the Most Improved Player Awards of 2022.
Nominations should be sent to the CA Office by the 31 October please.

The CA makes four annual Most Improved Player Awards:

Most Improved Male AC Player will receive the Apps Memorial Bowl
Most Improved Female AC Player will receive the Steel Memorial Bowl
Most Improved Male GC Player will receive the Spiers Trophy
Most Improved Female GC Player will receive the Colman Trophy

Eligibility is restricted to players who are members of a CA-member club, and who are playing predominantly within the CA's domain for the period under consideration.
The nomination should provide detailed information about the candidate's improvement during the season (or, in respect of players who join the CA part-way through the season, the portion of the season after becoming a CA Member).
Ful details of supporting documentation can be viewed on the CA website via this navigation: Home > Compete > Honours Board >. Most Improved or on-line readers can use this link:

Frances Colman
Chairman, CA Handicap Committee


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