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Dowlish Wake beat Southport & Birkdale 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Keith Bryant at Edgbaston
11th August 2022 (GC - Federations Shield)

Keith Bryant & Barbara Dean 2 v 7, 7 v 6, 7 v 4 Don Wilkinson & Sue Wilkie

Richard Gardiner 7 v 6, 2 v 7, 6 v 7 Terry Dunbar
Andrew Campbell 3 v 7, 7 v 2, 3 v 7 Mike Armstrong

Richard Gardiner 7 v 2, 7 v 3 Don Wilkinson
Andrew Campbell 7 v 2, 7 v 6 Terry Dunbar
Keith Bryant 4 v 3, 6 v 5 Mike Armstrong (both games timed out)
Barbara Dean 4 v 7, 7 v 4, 4 v 7 Sue Wilkie


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