Clarification on registering work involving pesticides
[<<] [>>] by Beatrice McGlen
26th August 2022
(Other News)
Following the letter sent to club secretaries and the news item posted on 22nd July entitled 'Do you need to register work involving pesticides' a query from a club has been received. The answers to that query are:
- Private land means land that is owned by the club (or if the club plays in a member's garden then by that member). If a club leases, rents, borrows or squats on land owned by someone else then it is not classed as private and these regulations apply.
- If the club employs a professional groundsman, whether that is as an employee or a contractor, then s/he should be registered. The club should also register, partly to ensure compliance with these regulations and partly for insurance purposes should there be an accident involving plant protection products.
- There is no fee.
- There is no requirement for an annual update unless the personnel change or your use of PPP changes substantially, in which case you are required to update the registration.
- Plant Proctection Products include pesticides, herbicides, algicides, slug and snail control, and plant growth regulators. If any of these are used then you should register.
- This is a legal requirement. In the (probably unlikely) event that an inspector from DEFRA turns up at your club, you will be asked to show that you are registered if you have applied such products.
- The simplest summary of all this advice is to register. It is a fairly straightforward process, doesn't cost anything and does not need updating annually.