Notice of the AGM of the CA
[<<] [>>] by John Reddish
20th September 2022
(CqE Official News)
The Annual General Meeting of the Croquet Association will take place by Zoom on Saturday 15 October 2022, commencing at 10.00 am.
Individual Members wishing to vote may do so in advance of the meeting either electronically on the website, or by post. It will be possible to vote at the meeting by a show of electronic hands. Votes in advance of the meeting must be received by Wednesday 5 October. To access the voting app, log in to the website and go to the Members' Area and click on "Surveys and Voting".
You are invited to vote for or against: (i) the approval of the minutes of the last AGM; (ii) the approval of minutes of the last SGM; (iii) acceptance of the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2021 and (iv) the election of Dr Ian Vincent as a Vice-President of the Association.
Members wishing to introduce other business at the meeting should notify the President or the Honorary Secretary by 5 October, stating the subject of their contribution.
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on Saturday 16 October 2021 and the minutes of the SGM held on Monday 18 July 2022. Copies will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office.
3. Report of the Council. The Chairman of Council, Samir Patel, will present the Council's annual report.
3. Report of the Executive Board. The Chairman of the Executive Board, Beatrice McGlen, will present the Executive Board's annual report.
4. Other Business., Any items notified in advance or questions arising from the reports of Council and the Executive Board.
5. Accounts for the year to December 2021 and Honorary Treasurer's Report. The accounts are on the website and will be sent to Home Members on request to the CA Office. There is a commentary on the accounts from the Honorary Treasurer, Ian Burridge.
6. Report by the Honorary Secretary. John Reddish will present a report of the Special General Meeting held on 18 July 2022; the elections of members of the Council to serve for 3 years from October 2022 and the progress of the application to the Charity Commission for the registration of Croquet England CIO.
7. Election of the President. Patricia Duke-Cox has been duly nominated to replace Quiller Barrett as the President of the CA, following his retirement. She will be elected unopposed.
9. Election of the Honorary Secretary. John Reddish offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.
10. Election of Honorary Treasurer. Ian Burridge offers himself for re-election and is the only nomination.
11. The motion to elect Dr Ian Vincent as a Vice-President of the Association The citation may be seen on the CA website.
12. Appointment of the Independent Examiner. David Boxell is willing to continue as the Independent Examiner.
13. Announcement of the awards for the most improved players
14. Announcement of the Coach of the Year Award
15. Presentation of Croquet Association Diplomas
16. Retiring President's remarks
17. New President's remarks