Call for mediators to join the CA's Panel of Mediators
[<<] [>>] by Stephen Mulliner
26th September 2022
(CqE Official News)
The CA has adopted a new Complaints Procedure (CACP) and mediation is offered as a possible resolution method. If mediation is judged to be suitable in a particular case, the parties are to be offered a choice from three possible mediators. This entails having a Panel of Mediators from whom three can be drawn who have no connection with the parties or the subject matter of the complaint.
The CA would therefore be most grateful to hear from any CA member who is a professional mediator or a barrister or solicitor with experience of mediation and is willing to join the Panel of Mediators. Panel members will probably be called on only very infrequently and their willingness to continue as a panel member will be checked annually shortly before the AGM. If you would be willing to join the Panel of Mediators, please contact the CA's Complaints Administrator.