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Training for AC & GC Club & Federation Handicappers

[<<] [>>] by Brian Fisk
30th January 2023 (Other News)

The CA Handicap Committee recognises that in order to better facilitate the CA AHS systems we need to provide training for handicappers at all levels. In particular for Federation and Club handicappers as the committee has no current role in their appointment. (All CA Handicappers are appointed by the committee.)

Some time ago we created a video presentation that contains a wealth of guidance for handicappers. It would be great if everyone concerned with handicapping at any level (both GC and AC) had watched the video at least once. That way there is a better chance of greater consistency in handicapping.

The video can be found at

If you have any questions about the content please consult a CA handicapper in the first instance. If they can't answer your questions then I will.


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