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Access to the AC World Championships using your CA Membership Card

[<<] [>>] by James Death [CA Admin]
6th June 2023 (CqE Official News)

For those intending to spectate at Hurlingham during the World Championship in July, you will need to show your membership card and pay £10 per day at the gate to gain admission.

To obtain your membership card please log in to the CA Membership area and navigate to the My Details page in the CA Directory. Just above your name and address will be a grey button 'Membership Card'. When you click on that it will bring up your membership card.

You will need to have a photo of yourself on it as well. When you bring the card up it will have an 'upload photo' button below it. Once you have pressed the upload photo button it will ask you to choose a file and confirm you are allowed to use the picture. With the file selected and the confirmation made, you can upload the picture.

Either Ctrl+P to print it out as a hard copy, or take a screenshot on your phone and you can show the printout or image on your phone at the gate.

For members of other national Croquet Associations, proof of membership of their domestic association and proof of ID will get you in at a cost of £10 as well.

For more detail on membership cards, please refer to the August 2022 gazette where the information was first published.

For further information on the World Championship please refer to the official website.


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