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Hurlingham beat Surbiton 4-3

[<<] [>>] by Alan Chance at Hurlingham
27th June 2023 (AC - Mary Rose)

Playing at home on a fine day, Hurlingham won the doubles with a protracted three ball ending, the last two hoops and peg taking nearly an hour, and were leading 2-1 at lunch. Surbiton came back to draw level at 3-3 in the afternoon and in a tense final game David Owen pegged out just as time was called. The Surbiton team had lost Jonathan Smith, who went down to -0.5 not long before the match and so was ineligible. Mary Knapp replaced Jonathan and deserves a special mention as the only player on the day to win both her singles games.

Morning (Hurlingham names first):

Alan Chance (0) and Andrew Wise (0.5) beat Andy Dibben (0) and David Mooney (1) +2
Guy Hewitt beat (0.5) beat Julian Sheraton David (5) +23
David Owen (4) lost to Mary Knapp (1.5) -14


Alan Chance beat Andy Dibben +15

Andrew Wise lost to David Mooney -11

Guy Hewitt lost to Mary Knapp -11

David Owen beat Julian Sheraton Davis +16


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