Pendle Mid-Week AC Tournament (4-7 July)
Paul Rigge conceding a few bisques
10th July 2023 (AC - Mixed)
19 competitors visited this event with flexibility on various requests for leave.
Handicaps ranged from -1½ to 24 and we had travellers from as far away as Bristol and Aberdeen.
Block Events and a Doubles knock-out were followed by a flexible Egyptian handicap with all eligible providing five handicap games were played
The whole event was played in good spirit with much fun and laughter. With an odd number on one day, Paul Rigge took on the 2 high-bisquers (24 and 20) at the same time double-banked. Having pulled 46 bisques he managed to beat both of them! A wild cheer was heard from the pavilion when Peter Wilson was seen lying on the ground by corner 4 on a far lawn lining up a two-ball peg-out …..... and got it! Competitors were lucky to get a few coaching tips from Dave Kibble and we are all now experts on thin take-offs and sweep shots!
The Pendle Rose Bowl A-Class Advanced: Dave Kibble
The David Jenkinson Trophy B-Class Advanced: Derek Knight
The Pennine Cup Handicap: Garry Wilson
The David Hoyle Trophy Handicap: Andrew Gould
The Woodlands Trophy Handicap Doubles: Roger Staples and Liz Wilson
The Irish Cup Egyptian Winner: Dave Kibble
The Egyptian Cup Fastest Win (58mins): Ken Jones
The Addict Most Games Played: Dave Kibble
Weather-wise, we didn't have a drop of rain, but play finished early on Wednesday for two reasons: (1) the place got mowed - Steve again, after a three-year gap, and (2) the tournament dinner at the 'Jade' - 15 joined in, what a treat/laugh.