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Jeremy Dyer wins the Championship Singles Hurlingham Cup for first time

[<<] [>>] by Nelson Morrow at Hurlingham
5-13 Aug 2000 (AC - Mixed)

Championship Singles Hurlingham Cup.

Round One:
Collin Southern beat Carol Knox(S.A.) 2/0
Dyer beat Malcolm Bigg 2/1 ?
Nelson Morrow beat Jerry Guest 2/1
Samantha Symonds beat Roger White(NZ) 2/0

Round Two:
Martin Haggerston beat Bob Stephens 2/0
Dyer beat Southern 2/0
Morrow beat Symonds 2/0
Ian Plummer beat Tom Coles 2/0

Dyer beat Haggerston 2/0
Plummer beat Morrow 2/1

Dyer beat Plummer 2/0

B Class Singles(Turner Cup)
Geoff Cuttle

C Class Singles(Younger Cup)
Michael Hann

D Class Singles(Longworth Cup)
Jeanne Ackermann

Open Handicap Singles(Silver Jubilee Cup)
Deirdre Cochrrane

Y Handicap Singles(Baillieu Plate)
Anne Stephens

Championship Doubles:
Nelson Morrow and Carol Knox

Handicap Doubles:
Mary Knapp and Mark Fawcett

Ladies Handicap Doubles(Candlesticks):
Sue Best and Audrey East

Y Ladies Doubles:
Samantha Symonds and Jenny Williams

Men's Handicap Doubles(Wine Coolers):
Nelson Morrow and Abel Hadden

Y Men's Doubles:
Simon Whiteley and Michael Blair


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