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Secretary to the Executive sought

[<<] [>>] by Beatrice McGlen at CA Office
25th September 2023 (CqE Official News)

We are seeking an administrative secretary to join the Executive Team. This is an active, voting position so you will be at the heart of decision-making in the new Croquet England.

The role will include:

  • Liaising with the Executive Chairman on the agenda for meetings.
  • Receiving reports from directors and circulating in advance of meetings.
  • Taking and writing up minutes.
  • Posting minutes on the website.
  • Liaison with the Secretary of Croquet England.
  • Taking and circulating minutes of the administrative committee.

Executive meetings are held via Zoom, usually on the last Thursday of the month at 7pm. Discussions between members of the Executive via email between meetings are frequent.

The administrative committee deals with employee matters. Its meetings are scheduled once a year but can occasionally be called at other times, if necessary.

The post is voluntary and the time commitment is approximately one day per month. There is also the opportunity, but no obligation, to sit on other committees if you are interested.

If you would like further details or an informal chat, then please speak to Andrew Willis, ( the retiring Secretary to the Executive, or Beatrice McGlen, ( the Chairman of the Executive Board.


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