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Cheltenham lost to Harrow Oak 2-5

[<<] [>>] by David Openshaw at Cheltenham
20th August 2000 (AC - Inter-Club)

In the morning Don Gaunt (Cheltenham) had a 26tp victory over Michael Heap. Harrow equalised when Phil and David Openshaw beat David Foulser and David Kibble +24. Foulser was rather unlucky when after just running hoop 3 he and partner were discussing which hampered shot to take when the ball ran back into the jaws.

The key game in the morning left Harrow up 2-1 when Gary Bennett beat David Magee +4.

In the afternoon Harrow quickly won the match Phil Cordingley beat David Kibble +26, Gary Bennett beat Don Gaunt +26 and then Michael Heap completed a triple against David Magee +25tp. David Foulser rejected the
offer of a draw and beat David Openshaw in the remaining match +11.

All Harrow supporters are welcome to the final on October 1 at Cheltenham.


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