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Tyneside lost to Bury 1-5

[<<] [>>] by Ken Jones at Pendle
16th April 2024 (AC - Mary Rose)

Bury beat Tyneside 5-1 at Pendle CC on 14 April 2024. The match was classified as 'home' for Tyneside but was played at a neutral venue to minimise travelling time.

Individual results (Bury names first) were:

Paul Kenworthy (1) and Ged Smolskas (2.5) beat Derek Watts (2) and Terry Vernazza (4) +26

Ken Jones (3) beat Derek Johnson (11) +6t

Richard Forman (4.5) lost to David Millener (7) -17

Paul Kenworthy beat Derek Watts +23

Ged Smolskas beat Terry Vernazza +15

Ken Jones v David Millener game unfinished

Richard Forman beat Derek Johnson +22


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