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Pendle & Craven with a Sunshine Taster Session

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picturePendle & Craven Taster Day 2024

by Alison Maugham
22nd April 2024 (Club News)

Pendle & Craven Croquet Club had the first Taster Session today, a fantastic day in much welcome sunshine, 25 people of all ages arrived at 10.30am with a couple more at midday.

Cathy O'Brien led the session with six club members assisting. Every one of the attendees complimented Cathy on an excellent introduction to the basics of croquet, with a very welcome brew and homemade cake afterwards.

Several participants signed up for the 3-week coaching course which starts next week.

Our club's first organised session this season, a resounding success, with thanks to David Cornes from Crake Valley CC for his help and advice on running a taster session.

Club Chair Person, Sharon de Maine

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