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Newport beat Nottingham 5-1

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pictureMurphy Mania (Photo: Alex Lake)

by Anne Taylor at Newport
1st June 2024 (GC - Murphy Shield)



Newport - Des Taylor 3, Colin Taylor 3, Alex Lake 3 and Max Byfield 4
Nottingham - Derek Blow 4, Paul Pinnock 4, Cathy Turski 4 and Andy Dixon 5

Scorer and dittyist: Anne Taylor

I'm sitting reflecting on a very busy June 1st (when Nottingham came to play)

With the living room fire lit and a welcome glass of rose… You'd have believed it was autumn at the beginning of the day The lawn was covered in leaves, twigs and even a tree branch That we (Colin T'n'Anne) assiduously raked away… The opposition arrived TOO early; ARGH, before we'd even set up!

I was really feeling the pressure… and then the 'cavalry' turned up Our team had arrived and we soon got the job done Hospitality was offered, the lawn set up; we were ready… yay fun!

Newport got off to a flying start in the games before lunch Our doubles team won, our singles players won It's in the bag! Well that was my hunch… A delicious meal was provided by our lovely volunteers No one left the table hungry and, I think, I heard cheers!

There was a lot more pressure on Newport in the afternoon Nottingham won most of their singles matches, did I celebrate too soon?

NO! We rallied! Newport won some more…

Though we did have a withdrawal and we did have a draw The win was Newport's, to the next round we'll go… We sent the away team, away, full of tea, scones and cake Now Newport are dreaming of the quarter-finals And wondering how much more progress we can make?


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