Bowdon beat Nottingham 4-3
[<<] [>>] by Elizabeth Williams
at Nottingham
3 Aug
2003 (AC - Inter-Club)
Nottingham names first:
Keith Aiton & James Death v. Colin Irwin & Alan Linton +13
Richard White +15 v. Martin Granger Brown
Peter Death v. Ken Cooper +17
James Death +26tp v. Colin Irwin
Keith Aiton v. Alan Linton +5
Peter Death v. Martin Granger Brown +5
Richard White +10 v. Ken Cooper
Bowdon travelled to Nottingham yesterday for the Inter Club quarter-final tie with a weakened team and came away with a great win.
The doubles turned on a mistake by Keith Aiton on his attempt at a triple and Colin Irwin secured the first win. Ken Cooper went off like a train in his debut match to get to 4-back and peg before his opponent started, but was beginning to get overhauled before he managed to turn the tide and ran out with a surprise win, while Martin Granger Brown just couldn't get going in his match. 2-1 up soon turned to 3-2 up with Colin unexpectedly losing and Alan Linton unexpectedly winning in their singles. The final 2 singles where shared with Martin securing the outright win. Bowdon now play the winner of Wrest Park and Surbiton in the semi-finals.