Robert Fulford regains the number one slot
[<<] [>>] by Chris Williams
14th August 2003
(Other News)
Robert is now number 1. He went above Reg after the first game in their match at the weekend.
Before the match, Reg Bamford wrote: You'll probably move up to number 1 after this, which is richly deserved. Congrats. Next year, I'll get my position back, though!
1 Robert Fulford [E] 2832 115 94 2975 81.7
2 Reg Bamford [SA] 2825 67 53 2773 79.1
3 Chris Clarke [E] 2667 87 62 2660 71.3
4 Toby Garrison [NZ] 2622 67 49 2617 73.1
5 Colin Irwin [E] 2609 86 65 2585 75.6
6 Bruce Fleming [A] 2602 78 63 2555 80.8
7 David Maugham [E] 2596 161 122 2533 75.8
8 Bob Jackson [NZ] 2593 121 99 2583 81.8
9 Martin Clarke [A] 2589 79 58 2605 73.4
10 Matthew Burrow [Jer] 2575 48 36 2599 75.0