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Nottingham week

[<<] [>>] by Peter Death
11-16 Aug 2003 (AC - Mixed)

Robin Hood Gold Cup Handicap Singles

36 entries

Quarter Finals

Chris Daniels beat John Filsak +26
Gary Shore beat Dean Bennison +6
Edward Barry beat John Davis +11
Rob Edlin-White beat Victor Dladla +10

Semi Finals

Shore beat Daniels +14
Barry beat Edlin-White +3


Shore beat Barry +19

Open Singles Advanced Play

Draw and Process, 10 entries


Meshak Mazibuko beat Philip Brabazon +2
Gordon Hopewell beat Ian Vincent +4

John Davis beat Chris Bennett +4
Mazibuko beat James Death +3
David Harrison-Wood beat Hopewell +25tp
Beatrice McGlen beat Peter Death +16

Davis beat Mazibuko +13
Harrison-Wood beat McGlen +19tp

Harrison-Wood beat Davis +25


Harrison-Wood beat Bennett +12
Brabazon beat P Death +13

J Death beat Harrison-Wood +4tp
Vincent beat Brabazon +8
Davis beat McGlen +19
Mazibuko beat Hopewell +17

J Death beat Vincent +2
Davis beat Mazibuko +8

J Death beat Davis +5tp


J Death beat Harrison-Wood +19 +18

B-Level Singles

Advanced Play, Draw and Process 10 entries

John Filsak beat Esther Jones +19
Jim Markham beat Victor Dladla +3

Chris Daniels beat Dean Bennison +17
Filsak beat David Brydon +19
Markham beat Peter Hallett +5
Rob Edlin-White beat Paul Trafford +5

Filsak beat Daniels +7
Edlin-White beat Markham +23

Filsak beat Edlin-White +13


Edlin-White beat Bennison +10
Daniels beat Dladla +14

Edlin-White beat Jones +20
Brydon beat Hallett +13
Daniels beat Markham +9
Filsak beat Trafford +17

Edlin-White beat Brydon +17
Filsak beat Daniels +5

Filsak beat Edlin-White +19

C-Level Singles

Ordinary Level Singles Draw and Process, 8 entries


Jane Mathews beat Michael Finnigan +12
John Hansen beat Derek Buxton +16
David Follows beat Derek Andrew +25
Michael Bowser beat Jeane Ackermann +15

Mathews beat Hansen +2
Follows beat Bowser +8

Follows beat Mathews +1t


Andrew beat Finnigan +16
Bowser beat Hansen +1t
Follows beat Mathews +18
Ackermann beat Buxton +9

Andrew beat Bowser +11
Follows beat Ackermann +24

Andrew beat Follows +17


Folows beat Andrew +10t

D Handicap Singles

Full bisque base 10, Draw and Process, 7 entries


Gary Shore beat Janet Booker +10
Patricia Duke-Cox beat Ken Knowles +10
Cliff Daniel beat Gisele Wareham +15

Shore beat Duke-Cox +20
Daniel beat Tony Whiley +1

Shore beat Daniel +20


Shore beat Wareham +14
Whiley beat Duke-Cox +17
Daniel beat Booker +4

Whiley beat Shore +17
Daniel beat Knowles +15

Whiley beat Daniel +20


Shore beat Whiley +23

Handicap Doubles

12 pairs
David Harrison-Wood and Jane Mathews beat Paul Trafford and Jim Markham +25
John Davis and Gisele Wareham beat Philip Brabazon and Cliff Daniel +3t
Michael Bowser and Edward Barry beat Beatrice McGlen and Patricia Duke-Cox +9
James Death and John Hansen beat Gordon Hopewell and Peter Hallett +15tp

Ian Vincent and Ken Knowles beat Chris Daniels and David Brydon +6
Harrison-Wood & Mathews beat Davis & Wareham +16
Bowser & Barry beat Death & Hansen +14
Dean Bennison and Derek Buxton beat Peter Death and Tony Whiley +18

Harrison-Wood & Mathews beat Vincent & Knowles +20
Bennison & Buxton beat Bowser & Barry +6t

Harrison-Wood & Mathews beat Bennison & Buxton +12t

Handicap Changes

Jim Markham 5 to 4.5
Chris Daniels 3 to 2.5
Peter Hallett 6 to 7
Michael Finnigan 12 to 14
Roger Berkeley 3.5 to 4
Edward Barry 12 to 11
Patricia Duke-Cox 14 to 16
Rob Edlin-White 6 to 5
Gary Shore 18* to 11
John Filsak 3 to 2.5
David Follows 10 to 8

Bronze Awards

Michael Bowser
David Follows
Gary Shore


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