Nominations for CA Council Election close 1st June
[<<] [>>] by Dr Ian Vincent
16th May 2018
(CqE Official News)
The deadline for nominations for election as officers and members of the CA's Council is 1st June. The following article, giving further information, was published in the April Gazette:
The 2018 AGM will be held at Hurlingham on the morning of Saturday, 20th October.
Any nominations for the posts of Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, membership of Council, or notice of motions to be put to the AGM, should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Dr. I. G. Vincent, 21, Cedar Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 2HA, or e-mailed to, by 1st June. Nominations should give the name of the candidate together with those of the proposer and seconder, and state that the consent of the candidate has been obtained.
There are expected to be at least six vacancies on Council, caused by the completion of three year terms by John Bowcott, Jeff Dawson, Dave Kibble, Tim King and Brian Wilson and the resignation of Martin French. Of those completing their terms, John Bowcott, Tim King and Brian Wilson have stated that they are willing to serve again and so do not need to be nominated. A ballot will be held if there are more candidates than vacancies.
Candidates should be aware that Council is currently considering the governance of the CA and has accepted in principle that it should be replaced by a smaller body, so those elected as members of Council may not serve the normal three year term.
Under clause 12 of the Constitution, Council is responsible for managing the affairs of the Croquet Association and for the fulfillment of its objectives. Its standing orders and practice book (see under state that it is responsible for deciding matters of policy, delegating day to day management to its standing committees. It normally meets three times a year: immediately after the AGM in October, late January and late March, at Hurlingham. Ideally its members should have experience of managing organisations, have a strong interest in croquet and be willing to serve on at least one of its committees. Please contact its Chairman, Brian Shorney (email: or Secretary, Ian Vincent (contact details as above), if you would like further information.