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WCF 6th Edition Golf Croquet Rules now published

[<<] [>>] by Roger Staples
7th March 2022 (CqE Official News)

The WCF Management Committee are pleased to report that the 6th Edition of the WCF Golf Croquet Rules was approved by the required two-thirds majority, with 50 votes in favour and no votes against.

The new Rules will come into immediate effect for WCF Events. They can be found here: WCF GC Rules 6th Edition - Final 7.3.22

They can also be found on the WCF website on page: The rules of golf croquet

The WCF Management Committee wish to express their thanks to the members of the GC Rules Committee for the many hours of hard work spent updating these rules.

The CA Council has approved the 6th Edition for use in England with effect from 27th March, 2022. A navigable version has been published which includes a preface and additional guidance on dealing with wrong balls and faults.


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