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Minor update to Refereeing Regulations

[<<] [>>] by Ian Vincent
4th July 2022 (CqE Official News)

The WCF has updated its refereeing regulations, which are adopted by the CA in its regulations, to reflect changes in the refereeing of Golf Croquet consequent on the introduction of the 6th Edition of the GC Rules.

The significant changes are:

  • that an active referee who believes that a hoop is about to be contested or run out of order must not forestall play except in accordance with Rule 15.4 (R3.4.3). The reference to Rule 15.4 is important because Rule 15.4.1 is subject to Rule 7.9.2. This permits a player who has realised that both sides have contested a hoop out of order in their respective last strokes to forestall play before they play their next stroke and thus be the first to play to the correct hoop. This also means that if such a player realises what has happened immediately after they have just played a stroke, they are entitled to wait for the opposing side to play a stroke before forestalling play.
    Accordingly, if an active referee realises what is happening, they must wait to see if either side exercises their right to forestall play under Rule 7.9.2 and intervene only if neither side does so.
  • that an inactive referee may and should forestall immediately after both sides have contested a hoop out of order in their respective last strokes (R4.4.3).


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