Croquet England Logo
Croquet England Logo

Downloads and Forms

Other club resources include the Club Guide to Croquet England, Advice for Clubs, Club Croquet England subscription, AC Handicapping, GC Handicapping. Please contact the office for anything else.

Entry and Levy Forms

Nomination and Award Forms

Coach Assessment and Subsidy Claim Forms

Membership Forms

Grants, Loans, Bursaries and Expenses

Bidding for Events

Croquet England Logo

The circle logo is best used where a circular or square design fits best and the side design is best used where you prefer a rectangular banner or title. Please do not modify the designs or their colours. A greyscale version of each is also provided, which is suitable for printing in black and white. The designs below are now registered trademarks (Numbers UK00003977022 and UK00003977038).

Circle Logos: JPG, PDF, EPS, PNG, SVG

Side Logos: JPG, PDF, EPS, PNG, SVG

Greyscale versions

Circle Logos: JPG, PNG

Side Logos: JPG, PNG

Technical Notes

The logo uses pure white and the following colours:

QR Code

Croquet England website QR codeQR Code

Smartphone users can image a (printed) QR code to navigate to the Croquet England website. It need be printed no larger than enough to clearly distinguish the individual squares with a phone camera; in high-quality print, 1cm is OK, but 2cm a reasonable minimum. Orientation is unimportant, but the missing outer square being bottom right is correct. It does not need a border, but a small neutral (white) surround is commonplace. Download the full-size QR code by clicking on the image. See also NCD

