Register New Account

Croquet England Logo

Register New Account

Members and registered users already have an account set up: or set a new password to gain access to your account
Create a new account to register as a club member and (optionally) claim a Croquet England Standard subscription.

Your club's membership secretary must confirm your club membership before your Croquet England subscription rights will be available. They are sent an automated email to do so when you complete this process.

Alternatively, for immediate membership access, you can Join Croquet England Online and enjoy an introductory rate.

Create Online Account to Register as a Club Member
eMail Address
Please also complete the following test:
  • If you see a box I'm not a robot, tick it,
  • you might be asked to complete a puzzle.
  • If you don't see either, check you are not using ad blocker software or have disabled pop-ups.
  • In case of difficulty, or for more information, see: how to complete the test

Fields marked required must be completed.