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Guidelines for Bidding for International Events

WCF and ERC Events

Bidding for WCF (World Croquet Federation) and ERC (European Regional Committee) International Events is the responsibility of Croquet England, acting through the International Committee. The general approach for WCF/ERC events is that:

  1. The WCF seeks bids for WCF events over the next 12 year schedule - see WCF Forward Schedule. Bids for ERC events are sought over a shorter schedule - see ERC Forward Calendar.
  2. Croquet England will approach Affiliate Clubs who may be interested in acting as venues, or alternatively clubs may volunteer to the International Committee. Future WCF/ERC events requiring bids may also be identified in the annual invitation to clubs to host Croquet England fixtures.
  3. The International Committee will assess options, liaising with clubs and the AC and GC Tournaments Committee Chairmen as appropriate.
  4. Croquet England will then register an Expression of Interest to the WCF/ERC for a particular event at one or more clubs. This Expression of Interest will be subject to agreement from the relevant director on the Executive Board, and subject to satisfactory agreement being reached between Croquet England and the club(s).
  5. If the WCF/ERC notifies Croquet England that it is the preferred bidder for an event, then a Bid Manager and chair of an Organising Committee will be appointed by the International Committee, liaising with the club(s). The chair of the Organising Committee will normally be from the host club(s).
  6. The Bid Manager and Organising Committee will then be responsible for preparing the Outline Bid, followed by the Event Bid, for Croquet England to submit to the WCF/ERC.

The definitive WCF/ERC guidance is provided in the WCF Event Regulations (and also ERC Event Regulations for ERC events). The WCF has also produced some guidance for bidding for WCF events. The WCF Sports Regulations also provide some relevant information.

The 'Event Host' referred to in the WCF/ERC Regulations is Croquet England.

The Bid Manager will generally be a representative of the club(s), and will have responsibility for putting together a bid which fulfils all the requirements in the WCF Sports Regulations. The Event Bid will define who is responsible for all aspects required by these Regulations, and will be binding on both Croquet England and the club(s).

The Organising Committee will also include a representative from Croquet England, who will have authority over all aspects of the Event Bid as Croquet England is the Event Host.

In general, Croquet England has no budget for hosting WCF/ERC International Events, and, in the absence of favourable sponsorship opportunities, will simply seek to break even. Player/team entry fees will be collected by the WCF/ERC and a proportion passed to Croquet England. There are no player entry fees for Tier 1 of the AC WTC (MacRobertson Shield) or for Under 21 events. For all other events, the WCF/ERC charge a player entry fee based on £21 per player per day (from 2024 onwards). For singles events, including U21 events, the WCF/ERC pay £13 per player per day to Croquet England, and for team events the WCF/ERC pay £17 per player per day to Croquet England. Croquet England will generally pass all funds received from the WCF/ERC to the club(s) (rather than pay lawn and ball hire fees), unless specific items of Croquet England expenditure are identified and agreed in the Event Bid.

Non-WCF Events

The approach for arranging other International Events, such as the Home Internationals, Ian Maugham Salver, Solomon Trophy, England v Spain (GC), Croquet England v other CAs and similar such events, will generally be the responsibility of the AC and GC Tournaments Committee Chairmen as appropriate, who will keep the International Committee informed regarding event dates and likely forward calendar. If any such events are being held in England then the International Committee will appoint a Match Coordinator - by default the Chairman of the AC or GC Tournaments Committee unless otherwise agreed.

The application of these Guidelines is the responsibility of the International Committee, who shall report to and consult with the Management Committee as necessary.

Ian Lines
Croquet England International Committee

v2.8; 2 September 2024