Just for Fun: Pirates
Pirates is suitable for anyone of any level whether they play AC, GC, or just turned up to see what our mallet sport is all about. Up to eight players can play on one lawn (though more can play really)!
Suggested time limit: 25 or 45 minutes
- The object of the game is to reach X points or pieces of treasure (or more than anyone else when time is called).
- (Optional: Everyone starts with 1 point)
- Each player plays alone and strikes their own ball.
- A point is scored, or a piece of treasure collected, by a ball running any hoop in any direction. It cannot score the same hoop (in any direction) until it has scored at a different hoop.
- Hitting another ball steals its points or treasure (except multiples of Y become buried treasure and are banked): e.g. hitting a ball with Y+2 points gains 2 points and that ball drops back to Y.
- Play in sequence order.
- Players start by placing their ball anywhere on any boundary (Optional: use the 'yard-line' - approx one mallet-length in from the boundary).
- Each player has one shot per turn, unless they earn an extra shot by hitting another ball or scoring a hoop:
- play again from where the ball stops
- in that shot it can score a hoop, or hit another ball to steal its points, and earn yet another shot.
- When a turn ends, the next ball in sequence is played.
- A ball going off the court is replaced on the boundary (Optional: yard-line).
Helpful Tips
- For short time limits up to 25 mins (especially when playing with children), perhaps play first to 8, banking with multiples of 3.
- For longer games ~45 mins, use first to 12 or 22, banking with multiples of 5 or 10 accordingly.
- When playing with children, play with 5 or 6 players rather than 8+ to avoid long periods between each player's next turn.
- It helps maintain the pace if players remain near their ball (without obstructing play).
- Coloured clothes pegs make useful treasure. Place them on top of the hoops so they can be collected. Treasure can be attached to the player's clothing to make it easier to spot who to target.
- To increase the difficulty and increase the likelihood of pirates plundering your points, allow players to bury their treasure (bank points) only when they hit the centre peg rather than when multiples of points are achieved.