GC - Inter-Club Shield News
GC - Inter-Club Shield
- 8th Oct: Sussex County beat Chester 4-2 (6 Oct)
- 5th Sep: Chester beat Watford 4-3 (3 Sep)
- 3rd Sep: Sussex County beat Guildford 4-3 (31 Aug)
- 29th Jul: Surbiton lost to Sussex County 1-5
- 19th Jul: Chester beat Croquet Durham 4-3 (18 Jul)
- 16th Jul: Guildford beat Hurlingham 5-1 (15 Jul)
- 8th Jul: Watford beat Newport 4-3
- 28th Jun: Compton lost to Surbiton 3-4
- 18th Jun: Watford beat Wrest Park 4-2 (17 Jun)
- 14th Jun: Croquet Durham beat Branston 5-2 (13 Jun)
- 10th Jun: Hurlingham beat Phyllis Court 4-3 (6 Jun)
- 1st Jun: Newport beat Nottingham 5-1
- 23rd May: High Wycombe lost to Watford 2-4 (11 May)
- 22nd May: Guildford beat East Dorset 4-2 (20 May)
- 10th May: Chester beat Ashby 6-1
- 9th May: Sussex County beat Cheam 5-1
- 3rd May: Compton beat Roehampton 6-1
- 28th Apr: Phyllis Court beat Ealing 5-2 (25 Apr)
- 27th Apr: Croquet Durham beat Pendle 4-3 (25 Apr)
- 8th Mar: Draw
- 14th Sep 2023: East Dorset beat Chester to win the Murphy Shield 5-2
- 3rd Sep 2023: Chester beat Ealing 5-2 (2 Sep)
- 29th Aug 2023: East Dorset beat Phyllis Court 5-1
- 28th Jul 2023: Chester beat Branston 4-3 (20 Jul)
- 24th Jul 2023: Sussex County lost to East Dorset 1-6
- 17th Jul 2023: Phyllis Court beat Roehampton 4-3 (12 Jul)
- 2nd Jul 2023: Ealing beat Wrest Park 4-3 (1 Jul)
- 19th Jun 2023: Wrest Park beat Newport 4-3
- 13th Jun 2023: East Dorset beat Cheam 4-2
- 13th Jun 2023: Ryde lost to Sussex County 3-4
- 7th Jun 2023: Chester beat Leicester 5-1
- 5th Jun 2023: Enfield lost to Ealing 3-4 (22 May)
- 5th Jun 2023: Roehampton beat Hurlingham 5-2 (2 Jun)
- 3rd Jun 2023: Camerton & Peasedown lost to Phyllis Court 3-4 (2 Jun)
- 31st May 2023: Ashby lost to Branston 2-4
- 31st May 2023: Hurlingham beat Surbiton 4-3 (22 May)
- 12th May 2023: Sussex County beat Compton 4-3
- 11th May 2023: Nottingham lost to Wrest Park 2-5
- 3rd May 2023: Camerton & Peasedown beat Guildford 5-2
- 2nd May 2023: Branston beat Belsay Hall 4-3
- 27th Apr 2023: Chester beat Croquet Durham w/o
- 24th Apr 2023: Watford lost to Enfield 3-4
- 15th Apr 2023: High Wycombe lost to Cheam 3-4 (14 Apr)
- 9th Apr 2023: Ealing beat Colchester w/o
- 9th Mar 2023: Draw
- 19th Sep 2022: Roehampton beat Watford to win the Murphy Shield 4-3 (18 Sep)
- 1st Sep 2022: Roehampton beat Guildford 4-3 (31 Aug)
- 7th Aug 2022: Watford beat Pendle w/o
- 31st Jul 2022: Watford beat Nottingham 5-1
- 20th Jul 2022: Ryde lost to Roehampton 1-6
- 30th Jun 2022: Pendle beat Chester 5-2
- 28th Jun 2022: Guildford beat Merton 4-3 (27 Jun)
- 14th Jun 2022: Nottingham beat High Wycombe 5-1
- 6th Jun 2022: Watford beat Phyllis Court 5-2
- 6th Jun 2022: Guildford beat Compton 6-1
- 31st May 2022: Belsay Hall lost to Pendle 3-4
- 29th May 2022: Ryde beat Hurlingham 5-2
- 28th May 2022: Merton beat Camerton & Peasedown 4-3 (27 May)
- 19th May 2022: High Wycombe beat Newport 4-3
- 19th May 2022: Roehampton beat Ealing 5-2 (18 May)
- 19th May 2022: Chester beat Branston 5-2 (18 May)
- 12th May 2022: Belsay Hall beat Croquet Durham 4-3
- 9th May 2022: Guildford beat Surbiton 5-2 (5 May)
- 4th May 2022: Phyllis Court beat Ashby 6-0 (3 May)
- 23rd Apr 2022: Hamptworth lost to Camerton & Peasedown 3-4 (22 Apr)
- 14th Apr 2022: Sussex County lost to Ryde 2-5 (13 Apr)
- 9th Mar 2022: Draw
- 27th Sep 2021: Watford beat Hurlingham to win the Murphy Shield 4-3
- 9th Sep 2021: Guildford lost to Hurlingham 2-4 (21 Aug)
- 8th Sep 2021: Watford beat Croquet Durham 4-3 (7 Sep)
- 1st Sep 2021: Watford beat High Wycombe 6-1 (27 Aug)
- 29th Jul 2021: East Dorset lost to Hurlingham 3-4 (28 Jul)
- 27th Jul 2021: Ashby lost to Croquet Durham 2-5
- 22nd Jul 2021: Guildford beat Cheam 5-2 (21 Jul)
- 4th Jul 2021: Camerton & Peasedown lost to High Wycombe 3-4 (3 Jul)
- 29th Jun 2021: Roehampton lost to Cheam 2-5 (28 Jun)
- 28th Jun 2021: Dulwich lost to Hurlingham 2-5
- 22nd Jun 2021: Wrest Park lost to Ashby 1-5 (21 Jun)
- 18th Jun 2021: Watford beat Nottingham w/o
- 15th Jun 2021: Croquet Durham beat Branston 6-1
- 14th Jun 2021: Guildford beat Sussex County 5-2 (11 Jun)
- 10th Jun 2021: East Dorset beat Hamptworth 4-1
- 6th Jun 2021: Compton lost to Cheam 0-7 (5 Jun)
- 23rd May 2021: Hamptworth beat Ealing 7-0 (22 May)
- 17th May 2021: Newport lost to Wrest Park 1-5 (14 May)
- 14th Apr 2021: Draw
- 24th Sep 2020: East Dorset beat Ashby 5-1 (23 Sep)
- 3rd Sep 2020: Camerton & Peasedown lost to Ashby 2-4 (2 Sep)
- 30th Aug 2020: East Dorset beat Hurlingham w/o
- 9th Aug 2020: Hurlingham beat Ealing 4-3 (1 Aug)
- 30th Jul 2020: Ashby beat High Wycombe 3-1
- 13th Mar 2020: Draw
- 13th Sep 2019: East Dorset beat Camerton & Peasedown 4-3 (12 Sep)
- 22nd Aug 2019: East Dorset beat Guildford 4-2 (21 Aug)
- 8th Aug 2019: Ashby lost to Camerton & Peasedown 3-4
- 25th Jul 2019: Murphy Shield: 9/7/19 Durham vs. Camerton & Peasedown (9 Jul)
- 10th Jul 2019: East Dorset beat Merton 4-3
- 9th Jul 2019: Croquet Durham lost to Camerton & Peasedown 2-4
- 8th Jul 2019: Guildford beat Hamptworth 5-2
- 7th Jul 2019: Hunstanton lost to Ashby 2-5
- 13th Jun 2019: Ashby beat Belsay Hall 5-0 (11 Jun)
- 5th Jun 2019: Guildford beat Cheam 4-3
- 29th May 2019: Hunstanton beat Enfield w/o (28 May)
- 27th May 2019: Belsay Hall beat Tyneside w/o
- 20th May 2019: Pendle lost to Croquet Durham 2-5 (19 May)
- 19th May 2019: Roehampton lost to Hamptworth 2-4 (16 May)
- 12th May 2019: High Wycombe lost to Merton 3-4 (8 May)
- 12th May 2019: Hurlingham lost to Cheam 1-6 (10 May)
- 5th May 2019: Guildford beat Watford 5-2 (3 May)
- 27th Apr 2019: Camerton & Peasedown beat Leighton Linslade 4-3 (23 Apr)
- 27th Apr 2019: Hunstanton beat Wrest Park 4-2 (25 Apr)
- 27th Apr 2019: Croquet Durham beat Nottingham 5-2 (26 Apr)
- 25th Apr 2019: Pendle beat Ripon Spa 6-1
- 22nd Apr 2019: East Dorset beat Sussex County 5-0 (17 Apr)
- 1st Jan 2019: Draw
- 1st Oct 2018: Hamptworth beat Croquet Durham to win Murphy Shield 4-3
- 27th Aug 2018: Croquet Durham beat Ashby 4-3 (24 Aug)
- 20th Aug 2018: Hamptworth beat Watford 5-2 (18 Aug)
- 17th Jul 2018: Ashby beat Hunstanton 4-3 (16 Jul)
- 5th Jul 2018: Watford beat Sussex County 4-1 (3 Jul)
- 5th Jul 2018: Ripon Spa lost to Croquet Durham 2-5 (4 Jul)
- 3rd Jul 2018: Hamptworth beat High Wycombe 6-1 (2 Jul)
- 30th Jun 2018: Ripon Spa beat Bishop Monkton w/o
- 25th Jun 2018: Hunstanton beat Tyneside w/o (19 Jun)
- 19th Jun 2018: Ashby beat Nottingham w/o
- 11th Jun 2018: High Wycombe beat Leighton Linslade 4-3 (8 Jun)
- 11th Jun 2018: Sussex beat Merton 4-3 (10 Jun)
- 8th Jun 2018: Belsay Hall lost to Croquet Durham 3-4
- 7th Jun 2018: Watford beat Camerton & Peasedown 4-3 (5 Jun)
- 10th May 2018: Croquet Durham beat Pendle 4-3
- 7th May 2018: Ashby beat Culcheth 4-2 (5 May)
- 5th May 2018: Camerton beat Enfield 5-2 (4 May)
- 2nd May 2018: Roehampton lost to High Wycombe 3-4 (20 Apr)
- 30th Apr 2018: Wrest Park lost to Hunstanton 1-5 (20 Apr)
- 27th Apr 2018: Hamptworth beat Guildford 4-3
- 27th Apr 2018: Hurlingham lost to Merton 2-5 (26 Apr)
- 10th Jan 2018: Draw
- 5th Oct 2017: Watford beat Pendle 5-2 (3 Oct)
- 6th Sep 2017: Pendle beat Hunstanton 4-3 (5 Sep)
- 23rd Aug 2017: Watford beat Guildford & Godalming 5-2 (21 Aug)
- 18th Jul 2017: Pendle beat Belsay Hall 6-1 (17 Jul)
- 18th Jul 2017: Hunstanton beat Ashby 4-3 (16 Jul)
- 14th Jul 2017: Camerton & Peasedown lost to Watford 2.5-4.5 (12 Jul)
- 7th Jul 2017: Guildford beat Enfield 5-2 (30 Jun)
- 29th Jun 2017: Hunstanton beat Northampton 7-0 (27 Jun)
- 21st Jun 2017: Ashby beat Bishop Monkton 4.5-2.5 (20 Jun)
- 16th Jun 2017: High Wycombe lost to Camerton & Peasedown 2-5 (15 Jun)
- 12th Jun 2017: Ripon Spa lost to Pendle 3-4 (8 Jun)
- 10th Jun 2017: Northampton beat Nottingham w/o
- 7th Jun 2017: Enfield beat Roehampton 4-3 (5 Jun)
- 5th Jun 2017: Leighton-Linslade lost to Watford 3-4 (29 May)
- 31st May 2017: Belsay Hall beat Tyneside w/o
- 25th May 2017: Guildford beat Hamptworth 6-1 (22 May)
- 10th May 2017: Hamptworth beat Phyllis Court 5.5-1.5 (9 May)
- 8th May 2017: Hurlingham lost to Watford 2-5 (6 May)
- 8th May 2017: Pendle beat Culcheth 7-0 (3 May)
- 5th May 2017: Bishop Monkton beat Croquet Durham 4-3
- 4th May 2017: High Wycombe beat Merton 4.5-2.5 (2 May)
- 24th Apr 2017: Roehampton beat Sussex 5-2 (22 Apr)
- 30th Mar 2017: Draw
- 21st Sep 2016: Leighton Linslade beat Guildford 4-3 (20 Sep)
- 16th Aug 2016: Guildford beat Merton 4-3
- 5th Aug 2016: Durham lost to Ripon Spa 3-4 (15 Jul)
- 5th Aug 2016: Leighton Linslade beat Ripon Spa 4-3 (4 Aug)
- 29th Jun 2016: Leighton Linslade beat Hunstanton 6-0 (27 Jun)
- 21st Jun 2016: Guildford beat Phyllis Court 4-3 (20 Jun)
- 15th Jun 2016: Hamptworth lost to Merton 2-5 (14 Jun)
- 15th Jun 2016: Durham beat Belsay 4-3 (14 Jun)
- 14th Jun 2016: Hunstanton beat Northampton 4-3 (3 Jun)
- 2nd Jun 2016: Camerton & Peasedown lost to Hamptworth 1-6 (31 May)
- 1st Jun 2016: Sussex lost to Guildford 2-4 (27 May)
- 31st May 2016: Watford lost to Merton 1-6 (30 May)
- 26th May 2016: Ripon Spa beat Tyneside w/o (25 May)
- 20th May 2016: Nottingham lost to Leighton Linslade in the Murphy Shield 3-4
- 13th May 2016: Ripon Spa beat Pendle & Craven 4-3 (12 May)
- 29th Apr 2016: Hurlingham lost to Merton 1-6
- 29th Apr 2016: High Wycombe lost to Phyllis Court 2-5 (19 Apr)
- 27th Apr 2016: Ashby lost to Nottingham 1-5 (23 Apr)
- 31st Mar 2016: Draw
- 5th Oct 2015: 2015 GC Inter-Club Shield - Results summary
- 29th Sep 2015: Nottingham beat Phyllis Court at Cheltenham to win the Murphy Shield 5-2 (26 Sep)
- 20th Aug 2015: Phyllis Court beat Hamptworth 6-1 (11 Aug)
- 8th Aug 2015: Nottingham beat Ashby 4-3
- 14th Jul 2015: Ashby beat Croquet Durham 4-2
- 13th Jul 2015: Phyllis Court beat Guildford 4-3 (10 Jul)
- 9th Jul 2015: Nottingham beat Enfield w/o
- 8th Jul 2015: Hamptworth beat Camerton 5-2 (7 Jul)
- 22nd Jun 2015: Tyneside lost to Ashby 3-4
- 18th Jun 2015: Phyllis Court beat Leighton Linslade 4-3 (15 Jun)
- 11th Jun 2015: Enfield beat Hunstanton 4-2 (2 Jun)
- 2nd Jun 2015: Hamptworth beat Reigate Priory w/o (1 Jun)
- 1st Jun 2015: Guildford beat Sussex County 6-1 (29 May)
- 1st Jun 2015: Tyneside beat Belsay Hall 4-3 (29 May)
- 28th May 2015: Nottingham beat Northampton 4-3
- 28th May 2015: Croquet Durham beat Bury 5-2 (27 May)
- 27th May 2015: Camerton beat High Wycombe 4-3 (26 May)
- 18th May 2015: Hunstanton beat Watford 4-2 (15 May)
- 30th Apr 2015: Phyllis Court beat Hurlingham 4-3 (25 Apr)
- 1st Apr 2015: Draw
- 31st Dec 2014: 2014 GC Inter-Club Shield - Results summary
- 15th Sep 2014: Croquet Durham beat Sussex County at Nottingham to win Murphy Shield 4-3
- 29th Aug 2014: Hurlingham lost to Sussex County 3-4 (26 Aug)
- 7th Aug 2014: Croquet Durham beat Nottingham 4-3 (6 Aug)
- 7th Aug 2014: Croquet Durham beat Kenilworth 5-2 (11 Jul)
- 23rd Jul 2014: Sussex County beat Hamptworth 5-2 (21 Jul)
- 13th Jul 2014: Hurlingham beat Enfield 6-1 (11 Jul)
- 3rd Jul 2014: Nottingham beat Hunstanton 5-2
- 17th Jun 2014: Kenilworth beat Belsay Hall 4-3 (15 Jun)
- 17th Jun 2014: Croquet Durham beat Ashby 6-1 (10 Jun)
- 16th Jun 2014: Sussex County beat Dulwich 4-3 (11 Jun)
- 16th Jun 2014: Hamptworth beat Phyllis Court 4-3 (10 Jun)
- 16th Jun 2014: Northampton lost to Hunstanton 2-5 (10 Jun)
- 9th Jun 2014: Hurlingham beat Guildford 4-3 (1 Jun)
- 23rd May 2014: Enfield beat Watford 5-2 (21 May)
- 23rd May 2014: Nottingham beat Woodhall Spa 7-0 (21 May)
- 23rd May 2014: Croquet Durham beat Tyneside 4-2 (11 May)
- 8th May 2014: Dulwich beat Reigate Priory 5-2 (6 May)
- 6th May 2014: Hunstanton beat Leighton-Linslade 5-2 (29 Apr)
- 1st Apr 2014: Draw
- 31st Dec 2013: 2013 GC Inter-Club Shield - Results summary
- 4th Oct 2013: Watford beat Nottingham at Northampton to win the GC Inter-Club Shield 4-3 (3 Oct)
- 15th Sep 2013: Nottingham beat Tyneside 4-3
- 28th Aug 2013: Watford beat Hamptworth 4-3 (21 Aug)
- 30th Jul 2013: Nottingham beat Leighton-Linslade 5-2
- 17th Jul 2013: Dulwich lost to Watford 2-5 (15 Jul)
- 8th Jul 2013: Hamptworth beat Sussex County 4-3 (4 Jul)
- 27th Jun 2013: Tyneside beat Broadwas w/o
- 18th Jun 2013: Leighton-Linslade beat Kenilworth 5-2 (17 Jun)
- 12th Jun 2013: Nottingham beat Woodhall Spa 4-3 (5 Jun)
- 11th Jun 2013: Broadwas beat Ashby 4-2 (9 Jun)
- 11th Jun 2013: Dulwich beat Merton 6-1 (7 Jun)
- 10th Jun 2013: Sussex County beat Reigate Priory 5-2 (5 Jun)
- 4th Jun 2013: Tyneside beat Belsay Hall 5-1 (1 Jun)
- 29th May 2013: Hurlingham lost to Hamptworth 3-4 (27 May)
- 21st May 2013: Phyllis Court lost to Watford 3-4 (20 May)
- 1st Apr 2013: Draw
- 31st Dec 2012: 2012 GC Inter-Club Shield - Results summary
- 1st Oct 2012: Dulwich beat Watford at Surbiton to win the Murphy Shield 4-3
- 3rd Sep 2012: Watford beat Belsay Hall 5-2 (26 Aug)
- 30th Jul 2012: Dulwich beat Dyffryn 5-1 (26 Jul)
- 22nd Jul 2012: Belsay Hall beat Woodhall Spa 6-1
- 28th Jun 2012: Dulwich beat Leighton-Linslade 5-2 (27 Jun)
- 19th Jun 2012: Watford beat Phyllis Court 6-1 (18 Jun)
- 19th Jun 2012: Dyffryn beat Broadwas 4-3 (16 Jun)
- 10th Jun 2012: Belsay Hall beat Nottingham 5-2 (9 Jun)
- 6th Jun 2012: Dulwich beat Sussex County 7-0 (31 May)
- 31st May 2012: Kenilworth lost to Watford 2-5 (30 May)
- 15th May 2012: Hurlingham lost to Phyllis Court 2-5 (14 May)
- 1st Apr 2012: Draw
- 31st Dec 2011: 2011 GC Inter-Club Shield - Results summary
- 10th Oct 2011: Broadwas beat Letchworth at Cheltenham Croquet Club to win GC Inter-Club Shield 4-3 (8 Oct)
- 25th Aug 2011: Letchworth beat Phyllis Court 4-3
- 3rd Aug 2011: Belsay Hall lost to Broadwas 2-4 (2 Aug)
- 29th Jul 2011: Phyllis Court beat Watford 4-3
- 19th Jul 2011: Letchworth beat Leighton-Linslade 7-0
- 18th Jul 2011: Belsay Hall beat Ashby 5-1 (16 Jul)
- 10th Jul 2011: Broadwas beat Dyffryn 6-1
- 23rd Jun 2011: Kenilworth lost to Leighton-Linslade 2-5 (17 Jun)
- 15th Jun 2011: Sussex County lost to Phyllis Court 3-4 (14 Jun)
- 13th Jun 2011: Belsay Hall beat Woodhall Spa at Ripon Spa 5-2 (12 Jun)
- 8th Jun 2011: Letchworth beat Nottingham 6-1 (8 Jun)
- 3rd Jun 2011: Watford beat Dulwich 5-2 (2 Jun)
- 19th May 2011: Broadwas beat Kingston Maurward w/o
- 19th May 2011: Ashby beat Colchester w/o
- 1st Apr 2011: Draw
- 31st Dec 2010: 2010 GC Inter-Club Shield - Results summary
- 30th Sep 2010: Broadwas beat Dulwich at Blewbury Croquet Club to win GC Inter-Club Shield 4-3 (29 Sep)
- 3rd Sep 2010: Broadwas beat Belsay Hall 7-0 (2 Sep)
- 31st Aug 2010: Sussex County lost to Dulwich 3-4 (26 Aug)
- 28th Jul 2010: Belsay Hall beat Leighton-Linslade 4-3
- 26th Jul 2010: Phyllis Court lost to Dulwich 3-4 (25 Jul)
- 15th Jul 2010: Broadwas beat Kenilworth 5-2
- 13th Jul 2010: Sussex County beat Watford 4-3 (12 Jul)
- 10th Jul 2010: Phyllis Court beat Colchester 7-0 (21 Jun)
- 5th Jul 2010: Leighton-Linslade beat Nottingham w/o (5 Jul)
- 5th Jul 2010: Watford beat Kingston Maurward 4-3 (10 Jun)
- 8th Jun 2010: Ashby lost to Broadwas 2-5 (6 Jun)
- 8th Jun 2010: Belsay Hall beat Tyneside 5-1 (7 Jun)
- 3rd Jun 2010: Kenilworth beat Woodhall Spa 5-2 (26 May)
- 24th May 2010: Bury St Edmunds lost to Dulwich 2-4 (23 May)
- 1st Apr 2010: Draw