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New Schedule for AC and GC Inter-Club Competitions

[<<] [>>] by Jonathan Powe and Beatrice McGlen
22nd March 2020 (CqE Official News)

With little likelihood that matches can be played before the beginning of June, the AC and GC tournament committees have reviewed the 'play by dates' for all the inter-club competitions, in the hope that play will be possible later in the season. This does mean that the later rounds will be on a tight schedule and we therefore hope that clubs will be flexible in arranging their fixtures.

GC inter-club competitions:

Inter-Club - prelim round 5th July; subsequent rounds 26th July, 16th Aug, 6th Sept. Final, as scheduled, on 26th Sept.

Murphy Shield - prelim round 5th July; subsequent rounds 26th July, 16th Aug, 6th Sept Final, as scheduled, by 27th Sept.

Federations Shield - 6th July, 3rd Aug, 7th Sept. Final, as scheduled, by 5th Oct.

AC inter-club competitions:

Inter-club and Longman Cup (Trophies) - 6th July, 10th Aug, 14th Sept. Finals, as scheduled, on weekend of 3rd/4th October

Mary Rose - 6th July, 10th Aug, 7th Sept, 28th Sept. Finals, as scheduled, on 3rd October

Secretary's Shield - 6th July, 10th Aug, 14thSept. Finals, to be played as scheduled, on or before 4th October

Short Croquet - remains unaltered, Fed teams to be selected by 14th Aug. Finals, as scheduled, on 12-13th Sept. If the crisis continues further into the season then this schedule will be reviewed.

Jonathan Powe and Beatrice McGlen


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