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Croquet Survey - Tournament Allocation

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by Alison Maugham
19th August (CqE Official News)

Croquet England is reviewing the Tournament Regulations on allocation of places for tournaments, and we would like to hear the opinions of our players.

This survey is aimed at current and potential players in Croquet England tournaments, both GC and AC, at all levels.

The survey covers a variety of events, and many players will only want to answer part of it: some might only want to give their views on the GC Series events, some might only want to give their views on Opens, some might want to answer more. However much you answer, please do make sure you click through to the end and press submit - and it would be really helpful to know a bit more about your play in the questions on the last page.

The survey can be accessed at and will remain open until 8 September.

Many thanks for sharing your views: they are important to us.

Gabrielle Higgins
Director of Governance and Standards


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