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WCF Official Rulings on the Rules of Golf Croquet (4th Edition)

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Official Rulings - January 2016

From time to time, the WCF or CA GC Rules Committee issue these Official Rulings, which clarify some rules from practical experience. The following are issued by the WCF ("OR") or CA ("CAOR").

OR 1.1 Running hoops out of order in a handicap game: When applying Rule 1(f) in a handicap game any extra turns used during play for, and which includes, the running of hoops out of order, shall be restored. Time, in a time limited game will not be restored in such circumstances.

OR 5.1 Wrong balls in first 4 turns: If in all of the first four turns of a game, the balls are played in the sequence given by Rule 1(e), but by the opponent(s) of the balls' owner(s), then the first 4 turns stand and for the remainder of the match the ownership of the balls is as played in those first four turns.

OR 5.2 Wrong ball in 4th turn: Unless OR 5.1 applies, if the fourth ball played is a wrong ball, and play is stopped immediately then Rule 5(f) is applied. Any wrong ball play discovered from the fifth turn onwards is dealt with using Rule 11.

OR 7.1 Ball jamming in hoop: When applying Rule 7(f) if a ball jams in a hoop above another ball already in the hoop, replaying the turn is the only option available once the equipment has been checked and reset or replaced.

OR 7.2 Ball resting in hoop before it becomes hoop in order: When applying rules 7(a) and (c), the hoop only needs to be the correct hoop in order immediately before a ball completes the running of it.

OR 8.1 Written and on-line advice: Players are not permitted to refer to printed, hand written or other prepared material during a match, except for the purpose of clarifying the rules that apply to a circumstance that has arisen.

CAOR 8 Information on the state of the game: Rule 8(b) is to be interpreted as if the words "the colour of a specific ball, how many extra turns remain," were added to the list of information a player is to tell the opponent if asked.

[OR 8.2 equates to CA Ruling on Rule 8(e)]

OR 9.1. Ball hitting clip during hoop running: Rule 9(h) should be interpreted as if it read: "If any ball makes contact with a scoring clip attached to a hoop, Rules 9(i) and 9(k) do not apply and all balls are left where they come to rest. No hoop point may be scored for the striker's side in such a stroke."

OR 9.2 Immovable outside agencies: For the purposes of Rule 9(b), an immovable outside agency on the court (e.g. a sprinkler head) is to be treated as damage that cannot be repaired.

OR10.1 Playing before offside balls are ruled: If a player with an offside ball plays before a direction under Rule 10(c)(1) is given, that player is not entitled to subsequently rule on an opponent's offside ball. (see 1st and 3rd sentences of 10(c)(2).)

[OR 12.1 duplicates CA Ruling on Rule 12(c)(4)]

OR14.1 Deliberate faulting: Deliberately committing a striking or non-striking fault is an example of unacceptable behaviour under Rule 14(a).

[OR 14.2 duplicates CA Ruling on Rule 14(a)(7)]

OR 14.3 Justifiable delays: Rule 14(a)(8) is to be interpreted as though the words "or other justifiable delay applies." is added to the last sentence.

OR 15.1 Emergency rule: If a situation does not appear to be adequately covered in the rules, or their interpretation appears to be uncertain, the issue shall be decided by the referee or, in the absence of a referee, by the players in a manner which best meets the justice of the case.

OR 15.2 Opponent forestalling play: Where a stroke that may produce a fault is to be played the striker should first request a referee or the opponent to watch the stroke. If the striker does not make the request, the opponent may forestall play and ask for the stroke to be watched.

Updated January 2016

The Official Rulings PDF (updated January 2016) can be printed, trimmed and folded to be pasted inside the front cover of the Rules booklet. When printing, ensure Adobe Reader's printer setting Size Options are set to Actual Size.