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Wanted - Volunteers with appropriate skills who get things done

[<<] [>>] by Roger Staples
18th June 2020 (CqE Official News)

The CA's new governance structure started in 2019 with a newly-elected Council charged with policy development (top-line policy, CA strategic plans) and scrutiny of delivery, and an Executive Board charged with routine operational delivery.

The prime aim of the CA is "To get more people playing more croquet in more places, by promoting, developing and administering the sport."

Since autumn 2019 Council has set up working groups to develop the Association's future strategic plans. A number of these plans have been finalised and have now been passed to the Executive Board to turn into practical solutions.

Council is looking to appoint several new members of the Executive Board who, in conjunction with the Association's Officers, will be tasked with forming a cohesive team to implement these strategies through its committees and working groups.

These volunteer roles are vital to the success of the new governance structure. We are looking for people with managerial skills who can really make things happen.

We urge members of the CA who feel they have something to offer to apply to be one of the team and help us to grow our sport.

If the new governance structure is to be really successful, having suitably-qualified people who get things done will be fundamental to the structure's success.

Roger Staples, Chairman, Exec Board

Jonathan Isaacs, Chairman, Council


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